
Thursday, December 1, 2016

FITNESS WORKOUT BARRIER (Lack of motivation and energy)

Barrier: Lack of motivation and/or energy

Solutions: Plan ahead. Schedule your daily workout or physical activity for specific times/days and “check” it off your list or calendar each time you complete it.

Determine what time of day you feel more energetic and try to fit your gym workout into that time frame.

Workout Partner (s): Workout with a gym partner or group of guys to help motivate you and keep you accountable to attending. For more fitness info visit: Buildmusclemassformen.blogspot.com

FITNESS WORKOUT BARRIER ( I Don't Have Time To Workout)

Barrier: Excuses...'I don't have time to workout'

Solutions: Change your perception. The recommended exercise duration (150 minutes) represents only about 1 per cent of your time in a week. Priorities what is really important in your life including your health.

Use time management skills to schedule exercise during your week.
If you can find a block of 30 minutes in your day to workout or do some type of physical activities that is a great start!For more info visit: buildmusclemassformen.blogsot.com